Writing a Blog Almost Drowned Me Once. Why I Did It Again.
Blog writing is hard. I know because I’ve tried and failed in the past, but I didn’t let it beat me. I will make it work this time.
Before, I didn’t know anything about writing a blog. I thought, how hard can it be? You’re just putting words on a computer screen; obviously, everyone wants to hear what I say.
That frame of mind makes me laugh now because there is so much more to writing a halfway-decent blog post than just telling people your opinion. You know what they say about opinions!
I started Little Fish in a Big Ocean about five years ago. It was a blog about parenting. I thought I was qualified to write it because I’m a parent. That makes me qualified, right?
I was going to make a lot of money with my blog. I was excited about it and saw other people making a ton of money doing it. They weren’t any different from me, so I would succeed.
I was doing well when I saw I was getting some views daily. I started to get a big head because I thought I was on the road to success. Then I realized the only people reading it were my family. And really, they were only reading it because they wanted me to feel good. Even they thought it sucked. It’s good that nobody outside my family read it because…